Friday, May 20, 2011

Tough times are all around us, What do we do?

In March of this year we moved all out items from Bonanza to Addoway, We were working on updating all 2,300 items when Google through another Monkey Wrench into the works but requiring all sellers to add UPI or MPN to all listings except certain categories, Sales stopped dead, So we again decided to diversfy and add some items back into our old Booth at Bonanza, That said with all the natural desasters back in mid west, East and South East I'm not surprised that there are no sales to be had.

 My take on this whole thing right now is to go through all my inventories and clean house, Dress everything up I can up so when things return to normal,  I will have one of the best looking booths and Storefront on the net and will be ready for business.

I'm one of the fortunate one's having retired in mid 2008 and having my feet planted firmly in the internet. There have been many bumps in the road, From venues crashing and losing thousands of listings to disappointments in venues that never went anywhere at all. What really keeps me going is the people both on Bonanza and Addoway, they are for the most part an awesome bunch of folks.

We all face disappointment along life's road, But how we deal with those disappointments determines if we succeed or fail in our journey. I chose to get right back up and start right back down that road. Quitter's never make it to the top, They just wander around and around the base of the mountain complaining about how high the mountain is, Instead of putting one foot in front of the other and heading toward the top, You may never make it to the top, But I will say with each step you will be closer than you were before.

So take this slow period and a work just as hard as you would if sales were hopping and when they do, You will be much better prepared than the other fellow who saw the Glass as half empty, and is waiting for someone else to fill it up.Mine is always Half full and I am the only one who can fill it, God Bless


  1. Spoken like a true winner! Loved the read!

  2. You hit a home run, better yet a grand slam! I enjoyed it very much. Thank You for writing it.
